
4SC Consignment Marketing

It’s Different Here

Unlike other big auction houses, we ensure the best cards receive unparalleled attention. Whether it’s low pop vintage or timely items, they won’t go unnoticed because we’re passionate about cards.

Reach Matters

Our auctions are run on eBay, the world’s largest stage. Combined with our tens of thousands of followers, we leave no chance for missed bids. In two decades, we've built a robust platform that operates seven days a week, leveraging emails, ads, and social posts across multiple networks.

Our Goal

When your auctions end, we want you to be confident you got the best price possible, knowing we did everything to maximize visibility.

Our emails market cards for full impact. Here’s a few examples.

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With countless record sales, our marketing has a proven track record. Don’t blend into the masses. Experience the difference when we showcase your best on the hobby’s leading marketplace.